Fellow 2022-2023 BRAD EVANS
Term: 02/2023 – 06/2023
Project: The Micro-Apocalyptic Imaginary of Wounded Worlds
Professor Brad Evans is a political philosopher, critical theorist, and writer, who’s work focuses on the problem of violence. He is the author of twenty books and edited volumes, along with over a hundred and fifty academic and international media articles. Brad is the founding director of the Centre for the Study of Violence (to be launched 2023) and holds a Chair in Political Violence & Aesthetics at the University of Bath, United Kingdom.
Throughout 2015-17, Brad was personally invited to lead a dedicated series for The New York Times (The Stone) on violence. He later continued the conversation as lead editor in a column dealing with violence and the arts/critical theory with the Los Angeles Review of Books. which he ran from 2017-2022.

Brad regularly makes television and radio appearances discussing his research and wider political, philosophical, and cultural concerns. He was previously the inaugural guest on Russell Brand's podcast show Under the Skin, which debuted at No.1 on the iTunes charts in United Kingdom and Australia & No. 3 in USA and Canada. It held its No.1 download positions in both respective countries for over a week. Brad would feature several times on the podcast covering a variety of topics. Together, they later cohosted a 4-part series “Books with BraNd” in which they discussed timely and timeless classics.
Brad regularly writes for many prominent international news outlets such as Newsweek, the Times (U.K.), the Guardian, the Independent, The Times Higher Education, World Financial Review, Al Jazeera, TruthOut, Counterpunch and Wales Arts Review. His projects have been featured in various outlets including NME, Business Standard, The Telegraph, The Indian Times, Pakistan Today, Hamilton Spectator, CBS news, ABC news, El Pais, Art Review, and Art Forum to name a few.
Brad's published books include Ecce Humanitas: Beholding the Pain of Humanity (Columbia University Press, 2021); When the Towers Fell: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 (The Los Angeles Review of Books Press, 2021) Conversations on Violence: An Anthology (Pluto Press, 2021); The Quarantine Files: Thinkers in Self-Isolation (The Los Angeles Review of Books Press, 2020); The Atrocity Exhibition: Life in the Age of Total Violence (The Los Angeles Review of Books Press, 2019); Violence: Humans in Dark Times (with Natasha Lennard, Citylights, 2018); Histories of Violence: Post-War Critical Thought (with Terrell Carver, Zed Books, 2017); Portraits of Violence: An Illustrated History of Radical Thinking (with Sean Michael Wilson, New Internationalist, 2016); Disposable Futures: The Seduction of Violence in the Age of the Spectacle (with Henry Giroux, Citylights: 2015), Resilient Life: The Art of Living Dangerously (with Julian Reid, Polity Press, 2014), Liberal Terror (Polity Press, 2013), and Deleuze & Fascism: Security - War - Aesthetics (with Julian Reid, Routledge, 2013).
Brad is currently completing a book titled State of Disappearance (McGill-Queens University Press, 2022). His next project will be to complete A Peoples History of the South Wales Valleys (contracted to Repeater/Penguin Random House, 2024).