Apocalyptic wine tasting
While Co2 is invisible, their effects extend evermore outward. Reeling from the hottest year ever on record, as well as the apocalyptic tone (Derrida) of our time, tracing ecological, human, and animal transformations have become everyday adventures that border on exhaustion. Sensing our way through climate change doesn’t only mean reading IPCC report summaries, measuring emissions, or advocating for multi species justice, but, equally, exploring the new taste-tangible worlds that present themselves in the face of such phenomenal changes.
The world of wine is one such realm in which, already, we are beginning to see significant shifts. Although so many aspects of daily life remain utterly unchanged and unprepared for a rapidly accelerating climate changed planet, wine has, ironically enough, already begun to adapt.
Is the future of wine, and the natural, 'non'-human world more generally, only imaginable if we take steps to move swiftly away from the persistence of problematic and unattainable purity and pesticides? And what does embracing sustainability look, taste, and smell like as old wine worlds come undone?

Unquenchable Immorality
Unquenchable Immortality is an interactive wine tasting hosted by the Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic studies at Heidelberg University (in cooperation with the Heidelberg Center for American Studies) and Wein Refugium with four fantastic natural wines accompanied by guest speakers who will talk about everything from the future biology of disease resistant grapes to literature and the issues that luxury monocultures such as wine and coffee manifest. Raise a toast with us with four unconventional natural wines and explore some of the winemakers making purity a thing of the past.
Michael Dunn (CAPAS, Heidelberg University)
Natalie Rauscher (HCA, Heidelberg University)
Adam Stock (York St John University)
(Moderation: Philipp Schrögel, CAPAS Affiliated Researcher)